I think the main reason why it's kinda hard for me to post frequently is because i don't like to blog over casually, like..'crap, i hate the weather and tuesday sucks.' -end post.
in the end, i've chose to sum up things and blog about it in monthly basis and also provide some little details here and there..and then post some art works, links or photos to make the posts more 'yummy' to read hahaha
but it's kinda slow...
then suddenly facebook emerges and has become our ultimate 'information and daily updates' platform for our family and friends. it is EXTREMELY casual, informative and accessible. not bad~
but i feel abit uncomfortable when those informations (from me or from my friends) can vary from absolute nonsense to something totally personal. some are just seeking for attentions, some are really casual comments abt daily lifes, some are pretty good infos that are worth sharing. so there are alot of good infos and bad infos coming in 24/7...come and gone. abit too fast for me, abit too casual for me. and of cos, not everyone is expected to follow all the updates from the facebook, so it's perfectly fine to M.I.A and then miss out everything, if not tons of infos.
yea, u can always back-track on those 'missed out infos' by going to your friend's profile page and go thru what he or she has been doing over the week or weeks. no prob at all. but sometimes i think that i have been wasting time, instead of saving time to catch up with my friends or keeping in touch. hahaha, i can't really sort out evidence to support this statement, but thats how i feel now.
i feel that keeping my account 'alive' or ultra-responsive means that i'm living in/with facebook. not a very healthy sign for me. there should be a 'safety' distance between the user and the facebook.
btw, let's say i totally dun wana attend to my facebook account...your friends can still write on your wall and 'help' u update abt the things u've done with them. what's better, they can post photos with u inside and share them with all your friends. ...nope, u can't delete those comments and photos with u inside. those comments and photos belong to your friends'. it's already out there. probably 20 ppl saw the comments or photos when they are uploaded 5 secs later lol. too fast too furious isn't it?
yea, i dun really like this aspect of facebook. not that i have much to hide. I jus prefer more privacy and control over things that involves me.
now, facebook is almost a must-have. so, we will have to deal with this ability given to the users. some enjoy it while others don't. I will still keep the account because it really is wonderful in many aspects...but the 'good stuff' can also back fire on you in a way u may not even know it.
(and if the piece of information really needs to reach to u. i think that handphones and email is still the best way. )
my (rather casual) conclusion abt facebook, is that it is overly informative and accessible, hence we have to use it very carefully and wisely to our advantage. and bare in mind that facebook can be equally devastating as how helpful/useful it is.
well, I still like blogging alot. i have 100% control over what is going on on my blog. all the contents are generated by me, and sincerely from me. the informations will stay as long as the blog exists. i'm the writer as well as the creative director for what i've 'published' on my 'monthly magazine' for my readers. and then i can always go back to my first posts and relive my life all over again. the flow and connection from post to post is quite special to me, and i value it.
note that facebook is not equal to blogging. both are very different thing. but i'm trying to compare them from accessing and providing information's perspective.
i stll have alot of other things to talk about...but i hav tons of things waiting for me to accomplish in a very short time.
luckily i managed to squeeze some time and energy to write a post for now....when all things are pretty much settled down...i would like to write something more personal and detailed for sharing as well as review in the future.
Blogging is a 'gentle' platform.....Lee Hou Yeung likes this.
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