Sunday, July 12, 2009

Keep bouncing...

junely...july...jooly...jolly..lolli...lorl...ord! (chants on and on...)

alrite, i jus fell off my chair after watching this clip.

the original slamdunk artist did that Ad! and go check out some other ad he did...using giant brush. love them all! he's my idol.

yea, that spur me to draw basketballers. but i somehow couldn't draw manga style ballers...hence i go and surf the net for some awesome NBA photos to sketch them. yes, more abt the pose, the facial expression, anatomy, drapery...bla bla bla

Kobe is the MVP, NBA champion of 2009. Really crafty player, respect!

Michael AIR Jordan. He is the God, the icon, the inspiration.

digital sketch. no reference this time. but...put to halt already...haha.

hmm, had a cold recently. running nose...giddiness...sore throat...welcome to my life..but don't stay ard long haha.

now i'm dreaming abt retiring. having all the time and freedom i want. see my children grad from Uni. and then slowly slowly slowly publish my No.1 bestseller children book series since the beginning of time. gradually brain-wash the world and becomes the first world President at the age of 83. rename Hawaii island as Houwaii island.


i'm not feeling very well u see.

kk, gtg.

if i'm to pick a bikini girl on the would be Miss July. i don't why either.

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