Monday, September 10, 2007

Max: Face the truth.

MAX is back (so is xelex)....i had painted a red and black colour version of him and posted it on this blog before....
I personally like this character a lot....possibly because he is my alter ego?
everything was done in photoshop (including the bloody line art...i prefer to draw on paper

I've spent quite some time on this piece... i think i will be 10 times faster if i'm gonna do this kind of painting again...

well, have been very playful recently.....haven start on minor yet.....tats not good....
currently i'm trying to do speed painting...will post some soon i hope :D

one more thing i wish to add....heeehhee
RUGBY WORLD CUP!!!!!!!!! holyshit...its awesome man! i realized that i love watching this sport....its a game for REAL MAN.....i'm talking about rugby....not american football (with helmet and stuff kind) has almost zero protection...its really body bang against body....its super shiok to see them ENGAGE and then "BOOF!"...all their thick muscles bang hardly against each other....all for that rugby ya....lots of bleeding, scratches and injuries....its nothing to them...seriously....they jus wana win and bang.....LOL....
and ya, if you hav a sport should watch it man...the france team has a super style guy with very long hair and thick beard playing....he is fierce and handsome at the same time....and he really looks like saber tooth from X-MEN....this sport ROX my world!!!!!

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